
In June 2011, respected Shaykh Hashim Ahmad organized a gathering of Ulamaa’, businessmen, academia and professionals at Darul Khair Center, Karachi. The purpose of this meeting was to highlight the need of a business model aligned with the Islamic teachings that is clear, practical and easy to implement for those who wish to do so. This led to formation of six different functional teams comprising functional experts and at least one Mufti. The teams were responsible for preparing guidelines for major functions of an organization. The Mufti was supposed to guide as to which of the practices in the respective area were not allowed by shariah. At the same time the teams worked on identifying contemporary good practices. Alhamdulillah the work completed in December 2014 in the shape of UBM Manual. The manual is freely accessible here.

Subsequently a trust, UBM Trust was formed for promoting UBM and its implementation in organizations. UBM Advisory Services is the consulting wing of UBM Trust which provides services in these areas.

We are a not for profit organization.

In spite of the fact that most of the team members were heavily engaged in their respective full time occupations they graciously sacrificed from their precious time undertaking this daunting task ‘fi sabeelillah’ seeking their reward with Allah alone. Once the initial drafts of guidelines were completed pilot audits were conducted in various organizations and feedback was shared with the UBM teams. The ensuing learning generated continual improvements to the work.

After completion of guidelines, the next step was their approval by senior Muftis. Further research, corrections and amendments were then carried out and finally Alhamdulillah with the Tawfeeq of Allah سبحانہ و تعالی the first draft of the manual was completed in December 2014.

Among our intentions in preparing this manual were: 1. To provide guidance to the business community in the form of guidelines. 2. To Assist in the implementation of the system therein through our team of consultants.

Ubudiyyah Business Model

All Hamd (praise) to Allah (s w t) Who has created man as His most exalted creation, and granted him a complete and perfect Deen to express his servitude and adoration.
And we bear witness that there is no deity except Allah and we bear witness that Muhammad SAW is His Slave and Messenger, whom He sent to deliver mankind from the tyranny of darkness and error, to the justice and light of Shari’ah and Sunnah.. May Allah send His choicest blessings upon Muhammad, His family, followers and entire Ummah, amen.
Allah (s w t) has clearly defined the purpose for which He has created mankind in the Ayah:
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ ٱلْجِنَّ وَٱلإِنسَ إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُون
“I have not created the Jinn and mankind except to continuously worship and serve me” or: “except to remain constantly engaged in my ‘Ibadah / ‘Ubudiyyah”.
‘Ubudiyyah is the essence of ‘Ibadah, which could be defined as, “The obedience of Allah, motivated by His love and reverence” this Ubudiyyah is to be applied and expressed in all activities and aspects of human existence.

The “Ubudiyyah Business Model” is based on this concept, built upon two corner stones:

  1. This very Ayah (وَمَاخَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَ الْاِنْسَ اِلَّالِیَعْبُدُوْنِ)” and the concept that it carries, which is; All Ja’iz (lawful in Shari’ah) human activities come under the scope of “Deen” which can be defined as the total system of Allah’s Ubudiyyah in all aspects of life. Therefore all Jaiz activities can and should be part of our life of “Ubudiyyah”, thereby securing Allah’s pleasure and His reward in Akhirat, rather than merely being means towards material and worldly ends.
  2. The Hadith: “خَیْرُالنَّاسِ مَنْ یَّنْفَعُ النَّاسَ))” “The best of Mankind are those who benefit Mankind”

Allah Ta’ala has engineered our worldly existence as one of interdependence.  Hence, virtually every one’s daily routine will include transactions and interactions (Mu’aamalaat and Mu’aasharaat) each of which either takes one closer to Allah’s pleasure and Jannah or His displeasure and Jahannam.

The outward form of transactions involving exchange of tangible goods and services, known as Mu’aamalaat, has been comprehensively covered in virtually unlimited detail in books of Shari’ah.

The inward character, morals, attitudes and general excellence in personal interaction with other human beings known as Akhlaq/Adaab, has also been exhaustively covered by the work of our ‘Ulamaa’.

The “Ubudiyyah Business Model” seeks to help facilitate humanity in engaging and conducting all of their business transactions and interactions in alignment with Shari’ah and Akhlaq, by providing a simplified outline and roadmap in a user-friendly format.