There are numerous traditions from the Prophet ﷺ about how a shariah compliant business run in a professional manner can become a means of success in this world and in the Hereafter. Some of them are:

To be with the Prophets

A truthful and honest trader (businessperson) will be with the Nabiyyeen (Prophets), Siddiqeen (truthful men), and Shuhadaa’ (martyrs) (on the Day of Judgment).

(التاجر الصدوق الامین مع النبیین والصدیقین والشھداء۔ (مشکوة, ترمذی

To please Allah with Excellence

If you pursue excellence in business you will earn the pleasure of Allah Subahanahu wa Ta’ala. The Noble Prophet ﷺ said:
Allah likes excellence in everything

(ان الله كتب الإحسان على كل شيء (صحیح مسلم

Knowing the Shariah of Business is a must for every businessman

Sayyiduna Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) passed a decree in Al Madinah Al Munawwarah that:

“No one is permitted to conduct business in our markets other than those who have properly learned and understood the religious rulings (related to business).”
(قال عمر بن الخطاب لابیع فی سوقنا الامن تفقہ فی الدین۔(ترمذی

Because acquiring wealth and its consumption are very serious matters.

According to a hadith: A person cannot move from his place on the Day of Judgement until he answers four questions, among which are: …How did you earn your wealth, and where did you spend it…?

مَا تَزَالُ قَد مَا عَبدٍ یَومَ القِیَامۃِ حَتٰی یُساَلَ عَن اَربَعٍ عَن عُمرِہ فِیمَا اَفنَاہُ شَبَابِہ فِیمَا اَبلاہ وَعَن مَالِہ مِن اَینَ اکتَسَبَہ وَفِیمَا اَنفَقَہ وَعَن عِلمِہ مَاذَا عَمِلَ فِیہِ ۔البیہقی،ترغیب

To stand under the Throne’s Shadow

A truthful trader (businessman) will be under the throne’s shadow on the Day of Judgment.
(التاجر الصدوق الامین مع النبیین والصدیقین والشھداء۔ (مشکوة, ترمذی

To attain Barakah

In order to attain Barakah in our earnings we must follow the shariah of business. The Noble Prophet ﷺ said:
One who acquires wealth adhering to it’s set conditions, will receive Barakah therein…
من یاخذ مالا بحقہ یبارک لہ فیہ۔۔۔ ( مسلم ، ابن ماجہ)